I haven’t forgotten about The Bachelorette!

I know I pretty much dropped the ball when it comes to Tweeting or even commenting on The Bachelorette… but I’ve still been watching it. Seriously, no matter how much that show pisses me off, I still get sucked in to watching it every single season!

Tonight is the hometown visits, and I feel like THIS is when things really start getting good — we really get to see who these guys are. I don’t know about you, but I’m rooting for Josh; he’s fine as hell, and he seems genuine. Nick on the other hand, not so genuine.

Anyway, how was everyone’s 4th?

Per usual, all of my “coupled” friends went out of town for a couples trip (I didn’t know people really did that, but they do), and I was left to my own devices. I ended up going to the gym in the morning, going to the grocery (to purchase a gallon of wine), and setting up shop outside on the roof of my building.

I had a lawn chair, beach towel, wine, chips & dip, and a good romance novel. It was actually quite nice. I felt like a little bit of a loser, then I really was just enjoying my time relaxing and getting to read a good book.

I started to get a sunburn after just a few hours, so I came inside and caught a good nap before grilling some kebabs and corn on the cob. It was a good day.

Meanwhile, I cannot remember how much I’ve said on this blog about me creating a profile on OK Cupid? If I haven’t mentioned it, then now you know and I’ll have some explaining to do for next time.

Anyway, amidst all of the people I’m meeting and talking to online, I kind of started talking to someone from my past — don’t worry it’s not an ex! Instead, it is a guy I had a crush on in high school. We’ll call him Pickles, because that is what I call him, anyway.

Pickles and I had our first real run in in high school at winter formal my freshman year. Gizzy was my date, and during every slow song we would run into the bathroom and hide because it seemed like we were the only ones without a person to dance with.

But when one slow song started, Pickles asked me to dance. And I’m pretty sure I’ve been hooked ever since. He is unconventionally cute, with blonde hair, and a coy smile.

In college, I saw him a few times during visits with other friends. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that I started thinking of him, and started wondering what he was up to.

So I sent him a message on Facebook… but it went with no response, and so I figured he wasn’t interested. No big deal. About a year later, I started to wonder again. But since my first message went ignored, I didn’t write another.

Until last week. I figured what the hell, and reached out to him via Twitter. And within two hours, he called me.

We’ve been texting and talking every day since then, and when I go see Gizzy at the end of the month, I’m going to stop for a drink with him, too.

I don’t want to pitch it as more than it is… I know he lives far away, and I think the visit will be telling — there’s got to be a spark, you know! But, either way, I’m really excited to see an old friend.

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